Hi! My name is Christie…I am The Catholic Sobriety Coach. I’m, a joy-filled Catholic wife, mom, Catholic sobriety coach, speaker, and podcaster and, clearly, it’s no secret I’m excited to welcome you to my blog.
I am SO happy you are here because I know the sense of fear and loss women experience when questioning whether their alcohol consumption has become problematic. So, the fact that you are getting curious about this habit, looking for answers, and stumbled upon this blog is no accident, sister! God is SO good!
When women start asking themselves if drinking is becoming a problem for them shame and guilt burst onto the scene, which can often drive us further into the habit.
You see, our self-worth is on a steep decline. We make promises. We break promises. We set boundaries and sometimes we keep them and often we don’t. For some of us, we start hiding how much or how often we drink and it drives us further into the habit. We are at our wit’s end and reaching for a bottle to escape, soothe, or cope seems like the best choice. A welcome relief.
Until the next morning….
But do not lose hope, I have some good news that will help to calm your fears! And it is this…you don’t have to be a problem drinker to realize that alcohol is impacting your life negatively.
You can take action before it becomes a bigger issue, and it doesn’t have to be a miserable experience.
Here’s more good news…You are not alone!
I’m here to provide you with the tools and resources you need to find peace and confidence in reducing your alcohol intake. Not only have I overcome alcohol addiction and maintained 26 years of sobriety – six years ago the Lord placed the desire on my heart to help Catholic women looking to drink less or both at all for any reason.
I even found the journal entry dated February 7, 2017, confirming that call from the Lord!
Of course, at the time I thought, “Who me? You must mean someone else. But maybe…”
I didn’t know what that would look like – and sometimes I didn’t know if it would ever become a reality but now, as I look back I see all the little and big ways he was equipping me along the way to do this work.
The goal is to reach all the women that the Lord wants me to. Whether it is 1 (Hey…that’s you!) or 1000 – I know He’s working all things out for YOUR good ❤️
May the Lord Bless and keep you!
Resources made just for you...
The Kick-Start
Embark on a Journey of Change
Join the 5-Day Sobriety Kick-Start…
You’ll receive an uplifting email with an insightful short video every morning.
Learn ways to kick cravings to the curb and recognize what triggers you to want to drink – when you really hadn’t planned on it or wanted to.
No strict alcohol rules for these five days! You make the choices that are right for YOU!
Gain a deeper understanding of why you’re turning to alcohol instead of God in times of stress.
It’s time to take back control! You CAN do it!
The Podcast
Be sure to check out the podcast The Catholic Sobriety Podcast.
I am your Catholic Sobriety Coach providing tools, resources, and encouragement – and I have some amazing guests join me from time to time as well. I hope that you find it to be helpful on your journey – wherever that may lead.
The Quiz
Who doesn’t love a quiz, am I right? This quiz “Do I drink too much?” is designed to give you more clarity about your current drinking habits. There is a special freebie included based upon your results so go all the way to the end. Don’t worry, it won’t e too long. It’ll take maybe 5 minutes max!