Freedom is Possible!

Are you questioning whether alcohol has become a problem  for you? Here’s the good news, you don’t have to have a drinking “problem” to realize that alcohol is a problem for you. You can disrupt the habit before it becomes a bigger issue.


Many women find themselves in this situation, fearing the loss of pleasure, connection, and stress relief associated with alcohol. They assume that giving it up will only bring deprivation and misery.


But it doesn’t have to be that way and I can show you how!


Click the link below to listen to a podcast episode about the benefits of Catholic Sobriety Coaching. 

Christie Walker The Catholic Sobriety Coach
Professional Christian Coaching Trained Coach PCCI

The Catholic Sobriety Coach

Christie Walker

I specialize in coaching Catholic women looking to reduce or eliminate alcohol from their lives for ANY reason to have peace, clarity, and confidence around their drinking.


I also coach those in recovery who want to learn how to invite the Holy Spirit in to clear up the “mental mess” that can stick around long after the last drink. 


If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place!


I will help you prayerfully change your mindset, to break the shame, guilt, and regret cycle that keeps so many of us stuck. I also help you build a toolbox to keep you on track and meet your goals to drink less, or not at all – allowing you to gain freedom from the chaos alcohol is currently causing in your life.


Through sobriety coaching with me, you’ll also learn how the gifts of the Holy Spirit and your unique charisms empower you to live a life of peace, joy, and abundance.


Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Unworthy?


Relationship Issues

Not every relationship is magically healed through our efforts to drink less or not at all. Trust is earned not given and some won’t understand the change in us. I help you navigate these relationships and manage your mind around them.


Social Events

It can be hard to navigate social situations when you have to deal with “beer-thirty”, mommy wine “play dates”, events, and holiday parties. We’ll work to create a plan to help resist urges and mind drama as you confidently navigate these situations with grace and peace.


Feeling Unforgiven

Living a life apart from God and steeped in the sin of our poor choices can really take a toll on us. Some of us wonder if or how we can even return to full communion with the Catholic Church. I have been there!


Break the Cycle

You know that drinking isn’t good for your health, yet you just can’t keep yourself from pouring a glass or two (or more) each night. Let’s work to find other ways to unwind and reward yourself that don’t involve alcohol.