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Self-Care Without Booze: 5 Tips for Catholic Women

Self-Care without booze Alcohol free fun

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s close to my heart: self-care without booze.

In a world where alcohol is often glamorized as a form of self-care, it’s important to debunk this myth.

Here’s the truth – alcohol is not a sustainable solution for managing stress. Once the buzz wears off it does just the opposite.

As Catholic women, we’re called to prioritize our well-being in ways that honor our bodies and souls. So, let’s explore five self-care tips that don’t involve reaching for a drink.

  • Schedule Real Rest: True self-care begins with intentional rest. In the midst of our busy lives as moms and wives, it’s crucial to carve out moments of genuine relaxation. Identify pockets of time in your day where you can prioritize rest over mindless scrolling or other unproductive activities. Whether it’s a few minutes of deep breathing, a leisurely walk outdoors, or a cozy moment with a good book, make rest a non-negotiable part of your routine.
  • Nourish Your Body: Instead of turning to alcohol as a way to unwind, focus on nourishing your body with wholesome foods and hydration. Prioritize nutritious meals that fuel your energy and promote overall well-being. Experiment with new recipes or indulge in your favorite healthy treats. Remember, caring for your body is an act of self-love that goes beyond temporary fixes like alcohol.
  • Cultivate Meaningful Connections: Seek out meaningful connections with loved ones and your faith community. Whether it’s spending quality time with family, engaging in heartfelt conversations with friends, or participating in spiritual practices, prioritize relationships that uplift and inspire you. Building strong connections fosters a sense of belonging and support that alcohol cannot replicate.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Embrace mindfulness practices that help you stay present and grounded in the moment. Incorporate activities like meditation, exercise, or journaling into your daily routine to cultivate peace and have more mental clarity. By nurturing your mental and emotional well-being, you’ll develop healthier coping mechanisms for managing stress and anxiety.
  • Engage in Creative Outlets: Tap into your creative side as a form of self-expression and relaxation. Whether it’s painting, writing, gardening, or crafting, find activities that ignite your passion and bring you joy. Creativity is a powerful outlet for processing emotions and channeling your energy into positive endeavors.

Ladies! Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and it is our duty to steward our well-being with care and intention.


Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God’s glory.”  1 Corinthians 6:19-20



By embracing self-care practices that nurture our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, we can cultivate a life of sobriety and fulfillment that aligns with our faith and values.


If you’re interested in exploring coaching with me, visit my website at or connect with me on Instagram @TheCatholicSobrietyCoach.


Remember, you are not alone on this journey. I am here for you, praying for you, and cheering you on every step of the way.


Until next time, take care and God bless.