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How Sobriety Can Lead to a Life You Love

Alcohol has a significant influence on many aspects of life. Beyond the widely recognized physical and health impacts, alcohol can affect mental well-being, relationships, financial stability, and, our relationship with Christ. However, as we discuss in our latest Catholic Sobriety Podcast Minisode, A Catholic Approach to Understanding Alcohol’s Impact and What to Do About It …

How Sobriety Can Lead to a Life You Love Read More »

Bible and Rosary

Planting Seeds of Faith

There is something so meaningful about praying with a Rosary that belonged to someone who loved the Lord and Our Blessed Mother so deeply and earnestly. I imagine it must be a similar feeling to praying with a Saint.

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Reducing or Eliminating Alcohol will Transform Your Life

Reducing your alcohol consumption is an act of love and compassion. It is a decision that requires courage, motivation, and support, but it is also one that can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Let’s talk about the benefits of reduced alcohol consumption for women.

The Lord will not be Outdone in His Generosity

This is me and my beautiful family. The family I wished for, hoped for, dreamed of, and prayed for my entire life.

And I want you to know that I would gladly endure every hardship and suffering I have encountered in this life all over again – if it would lead me back to the Lord once more and my amazing family. 💙

Christie Walker Catholic sobriety coach catholic life coach recovery coach for women podcast host Catholic speaker

Welcome to The Catholic Sobriety Blog

I am SO happy you stumbled upon this blog because I know the sense of fear and loss women experience when questioning whether their alcohol consumption has become problematic. So, the fact that you are getting curious about this habit, looking for answers, and stumbled upon this blog is no accident, sister! God is SO good!