How to ride out a craving

How to Ride Out a Craving

How do you effectively manage cravings for alcohol? Today, I’ll be offering actionable steps to empower you in your pursuit of freedom from unhealthy habits.


Understanding Cravings: Thoughts vs. Facts


The first step in managing cravings is understanding that thoughts are not facts. Our minds often present us with cravings or urges, but we have the power to choose how we respond to them.


While circumstances, such as the presence of alcohol, are factual, our thoughts about them are not fixed truths. By recognizing this distinction, we can begin to challenge and change our thought patterns surrounding cravings.


Practical Strategies for Managing Cravings


  • Get Curious: When you notice a craving arise, approach it with curiosity rather than judgment. Instead of immediately succumbing to the urge, acknowledge it by saying, “I notice that I am having a craving for a drink.” This simple shift in perspective can help weaken the intensity of the craving.


  • Explore Deeper: Challenge the craving by examining the underlying beliefs or desires it represents. Write down what the craving is telling you a drink will provide, and then critically evaluate whether these beliefs align with reality. Remember that alcohol does not inherently enhance enjoyment or alleviate stress—it is our perception that creates this association.


  • Confront the Craving: Face the craving head-on by acknowledging its presence without feeling compelled to act on it. Develop a list of alternative activities or coping mechanisms to turn to when cravings arise. These could include going for a walk, journaling, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a favorite hobby. By proactively choosing healthier alternatives, you reclaim control over your actions.


  • Remember Your Power: Recognize the strength within you, supported by the grace of God. Lean on prayer, sacraments, and spiritual practices to fortify your resolve in resisting cravings. Trust that the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead resides within you, providing you with the strength to overcome temptation.


  • Celebrate Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate each instance where you successfully resist a craving. Take pride in your ability to exercise self-control and honor God’s grace working within you. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, knowing that each victory brings you closer to your goal of sobriety.


Managing cravings is a fundamental aspect of navigating the path to sobriety.


By applying these strategies and embracing the support of your faith community, you can overcome cravings and cultivate a life of freedom and fulfillment.


Remember, you are not alone in this journey—I am here to support you every step of the way.