Fear is a Liar!

…Sister, you are worthy!


As you might imagine being a Catholic coach who works with women who are considering sobriety means MANY no-show appointments for Discovery calls and that’s okay.



I say that with no judgment AT. ALL. I expect it because I totally get it! I have been there! Sisters, believe it. I have BEEN there. Before, during, and after my recovery. I believed the lies of the enemy for FAR too long.


Just like the Zach Williams song Fear is a Liar so accurately proclaims…


“When he told you you’re not good enough


When he told you you’re not right



When he told you you’re not strong enough To put up a good fight



When he told you you’re not worthy 


When he told you you’re not loved



When he told you you’re not beautiful



That you’ll never be enough



Fear he is a liar



He will take your breath


Stop you in your steps



Fear he is a liar



He will rob your rest



Steal your happiness 


Cast your fear in the fire



‘Cause fear he is a liar”


Fear can keep us stuck and stagnate; that is exactly what the enemy of your soul wants. He wants you paralyzed by fear and shackled by vices, shame, and self-doubt.



But don’t believe those lies, sister. Do not!


I know you may be thinking things like…



“I can’t do it.”



“What if I fail AGAIN? I have already tried SO many times.”



“If I reach out for help, what does that mean?



“I just have an addictive personality.”



“I don’t want to admit I have a problem.”



Let me just tell you…my first “official” attempt to get sober failed miserably – though before that, there were hundreds of other attempts that didn’t go well either.



All the boundaries I set and all the promises I made to myself and others – BROKEN and destroyed as easily as a hand grazing a silky spider’s web.



I felt terrible. I felt defeated. Would I ever be free?



But here’s the thing. I had faith that God had a plan for my life – which meant I had HOPE, even when I didn’t realize it. God never gave up on me – and I never gave up on myself.



FAITH is the firm foundation on which we stand and faith also fans the flames of the HOPE within us.



If you are receiving this email, it’s because you have decided to connect with me in some way. To reach out a hand for help – or at least to get curious.


It is proof that you have NOT given up or lost hope for the vision you have for your life. 


I promise you, you are more powerful than you might believe. When you invite the Holy Spirit in, to strengthen and empower you all along the way, miracles will abound.



Ask yourself these questions. Please ask and ponder it in your heart at the foot of Jesus…



What if it DOES work this time?



What might your life be like a year from now if you allowed me to support you and pray with you and for you as you explore what a life without alcohol would be like?



The life you desire really IS possible! Yes, you do have to do the work – no one can do it for you – but it can be done and has been done many times.



What if THIS time is THE time? Are you ready?  I am here for you when you are!